Now I'm confused
Additionally, he may need to think about selling the loft depending how sick he becomes from the next round of C treatment. If he becomes so sick, he cannot work.
IM CONVO (with notes)
ThumbSucker: I am not on the new stuff yet....if my tests keep coming back like they have, then it will be full on chemo.
ThumbSucker: I just really need to stop being distracted by it and work as hard as I can while am ok
ThumbSucker: also need to figure out how the treatment differs in europe and how i would transition if I am bad when I lose the insurance
(So ThumbSucker’s ex is a doctor at Kaiser, and legally they still have domestic partner status.)
ThumbSucker: well it's like this.... as soon as the domestic partnership is dissolved, I am not eligible anymore
me: so when will it be dissolved?
ThumbSucker: depends what the attorney has to say, I also think [ThumbSucker’s ex bf’s name] has got pretty tight with the guy he is seeing - they are moving in together etc...
me: wow
ThumbSucker: they are going to China and Thailand next week for a month
(So ThumbSucker’s ex is dating a doctor. Ha! “Is there a doctor in the house?”)
ThumbSucker: the Dr. is a contractor and has no insurance coverage right now also
me: oh wow. that’s just sounds odd.
ThumbSucker: yeah, I thought so too
me: a doc without insurance. at least he can diagnose himself.
ThumbSucker: true : )
ThumbSucker: if/when it happens, i will deal with it - just have to do the research up front
ThumbSucker: big downside of the US.... insurance
(I have Kaiser, but it’s not the titanium platinum diamond-encrusted plan that ThumbSucker currently has through his ex. So I asked if his treatment would be covered with my plan.)
me: i have the blue card.
ThumbSucker: it would cover it. but we would have to be in a place at that time where that made sense.
(OK, so I may no longer be a practicing Catholic, but I feel crappy – major guilt for some reason. Heck, all I have is asthma, eczema and I break out when I’m stressed or don’t sleep... But at the same time, I’m glad that he thought and said what he did.)
ThumbSucker: I would want to be on your insurance at the point where you were happy with me and not out of obligation
me: yep, i agree.
ThumbSucker: I didn’t mean to say so much tonight... I know you have a lot on your plate
(Uh, not as much as what’s on his.)
me: when is your next treatment?
ThumbSucker: Tuesday
ThumbSucker: Talk to you later, love u
OK, I’ve always said that ThumbSucker is a good guy, but he’s just high-maintenance and needy... And he drives me insane with the crap he does. But now he’s in trouble. I’m confused.
We talked on the phone as well. Goodness, he sounds mellow. It must be the Valium one of the doctors prescribed him. He’s actually been pleasant that past couple days. “What a difference… A pill makes...”