Sunday, March 26, 2006

What a Weekend

Friday, March 24
ThumbSucker wanted to watch
Shadow Crossing, a play that begs provocative questions about where you stand on immigration and human rights. I was thoroughly impressed and pleasantly surprised by the acting, but more impressed at how I felt after the play - alive. Until tonight, I had forgotten how much I miss going to plays. With so many – (IMHO) non-wholesome and non-thought provoking – movie choices provided by Hollywood that glamorize boobs, cleavage, sex, senseless killing, wasteful behavior, Shadow Crossing is a breath of fresh air.

Don’t get me wrong, Goonies is still my favorite movie... Maybe I’m upset that most movies produced as of late are crap. Idle movies, I’ll call them.

Tonight, we decided to take municipal transportation as I didn’t feel like driving to Berkeley, which meant we would take a bus to the Embarcadero Center, and then take
BART to Berkeley. On the bus ride to the Embarcadero Center along Third Street, just south of AT&T Park (formerly SBC Park and Pac Bell Park), we noticed a large number of people walking to the ball park. I thought they were going to watch a Giants game, but ThumbSucker noticed that they didn’t look like the baseball game going type.

Turns out the more than 25,000 teens were going to the Battle Cry gathering, a two-day event put on by right-wing Christian fundamentalists. “Battle cry for a Generation” gathering aims to guide young people away from a popular culture that the organizers say glamorizes drugs, violence and sex, and “reclaims the values that made this nation great.”

Link to The Chronicle’s coverage of pre-day-one festivities.
Link to The Chronicle’s coverage of the concert.

It was pretty scary seeing the sea of attendees. (G'damn sheep.) ThumbSucker instantly was depressed, saying that this country is going south, fast. I agree. He also said that the event should not be held in San Francisco. I disagreed with him. As much as I do not care for the religious-right, they have every right to organize at AT&T Park. They paid for the event, and they have the freedom of speech. But it is very, very scary what is being taught to our kids. This country is comprised of extremes, and I wish there could be a middle ground.

I told ThumbSucker that in some ways I agree with what the Battle Cry movement is working against – the violence, sex, drug use, etc. But I think we should not use “God” as the answer, nor should our politicians make decisions based on faith. Our country has made way too many mistakes using that method. Also, remember when people were burned at the stake?

My friend Abs continues to have arguments with her boyfriend as she wants to raise kids Catholic, and the boyfriend wants to raise kids without religion. Just a little background on Abs… She was raised Catholic, and attended Notre Dame High School, the sister school to the Jesuit (all-boys) high school I attended. I was raised Catholic, but no longer practice – I do not attend mass on Sundays, nor receive Communion, etc. I think I got out of it what I need – The Golden Rule, “do on to others as you wish them do onto you.” Here is an example of how I apply it in everyday life: cut me off on the highway, and I’ll return the favor. I’m kidding(!!)… Well, partially.

At any rate, Abs wants to have kids, and raise them Catholic until they are 18-years-old. This means Catholic schooling and church on Sundays. The boyfriend’s reason for raising kids without religion is religion is mind control. Abs is an English and writing teacher at a South Bay high school. The overall student body is conservative and homophobic, Abs told me. “Fundies,” Abs calls them. Over dinner a few weeks ago, I told her that I completely understand why her boyfriend, a civil and marriage attorney, does not want religion around the kids. “Abs, the Catholic church is the same thing – mind control. It’s just not as extreme or obnoxious as the Evangelicals.” Abs asked, “So what should I do? I want to raised my kids Catholic. It’s important to me.” “Well Abs, it’s important to Dennis that [if you marry] both of you not raise kids with religion. This is fundamental shit here. This would be the source of future arguments. You now this. There really is no middle ground on this one. Unless either of you give in, you may as well end things sooner rather than later.”

I know a few people who were raised without religion, and they turned out to be fine, well-adjusted, productive and contributing members of society.

All this forces me to take my 16-year-old sister out for ice cream, and have a talk with her about how she needs to seek out what she believes. She attends mass with my mother every week. (Poor thing, I know what that was like.) And I want my sister to make her own, educated choices. By this, I mean she would expose herself to many different religions and learn about atheism too. She’s a smart girl, and I don’t want people to decide what she should believe in. *Ahem* Granted, I talk with her about how our current president is an absolute idiot, as well as how the Dems are idiots too for not getting the muthafukka out of office and present us with legit candidates. But, I always encourage her to find out for herself. Heh, I’ll point her to
this site.

In a future posting, I’ll write about my last girlfriend, a Seventh Day Adventist… Oh man. Stay tuned for this one.

Sorry to digress. So Shadow Crossing is a great play...

ThumbSucker and I didn’t eat dinner tonight. So after returning to San Francisco, we went to the
Equinox, a revolving rooftop restaurant. I had a Guinness. ThumbSucker had a Mojito. And we shared an order of buffalo chicken quesadillas.

At Midnight, we were beat. We took the number 15 bus from Second and Market to 26th and Third, and then walked a few blocks to the loft. No signs of Battle Cry.

Saturday, March 25
At Noon, we walked to Starbucks, then to
Room & Board, then to the San Francisco MOMA, and then to the downtown area to look at a few shops. We didn’t buy anything, so today was a window-shopping day.

At 5:30 p.m., we ate dinner at Chevy’s. At 6:30 p.m., we watched
Thank You for Smoking. Goodness this is a hilarious movie. Go see it! For anyone who works in PR, this movie glamorizes some of what we do. (No, we do not reveal secret corporate information while banging reporters.) But watch this movie – you’ll crack up.

After the movie, we walked to Second and Market to take the bus back to the loft. The bus was packed! Until tonight, I’ve not been on a packed bus. It was crazy! To add to the uncomfortable situation - that is smelly peeps surrounding you - we were stuck in traffic. Why? Battle Cry day deux.

Buses and SUVs, transporting God-loving teens clogged the streets. What an inconvenience, I said. But hey, it’s the same deal if the Giants were playing. They have the right. Tolerance never seems to be a two-way street.

My feet were blistered by the end of the night from all the walking. I need to figure this out. Is it my shoes or my socks? Either way, I hate blisters.

After the Battle Cry fiasco, ThumbSucker is depressed, and wants for us to move to Ireland or London. “Maybe you could work out of the London office...” Uh, no. I can’t. More like, I won’t. I’d rather continue to fight till some end, then leave if that was the last resort.

Sunday, March 26
We had dim sum at
Ocean Restaurant. This is damn tasty dim sum on the cheap! Seriously, the seafood is always fresh. And g’dammit the cilantro prawn dumplings are just so f’ing tasty. Seriously. Check it out some time.

After dim sum, we drove to the Cliff House, and walked along what used to be the Sutro Baths. ThumbSucker picked flowers for a bouquet. He told me when he was a kid he made perfume from flowers. “Oh really? How’d it turn out?” “It gave my sister a skin irritation,” answered ThumbSucker. “I guess that cut that prospect then and there. You sure nipped it in the bud.”

We both cut the afternoon short as we both needed to work.

In the evening, ThumbSucker had to go to the office, but had a flat tire after only driving two blocks. I told him to use my car to go to the office, and we’ll change the flat tire for the spare when he returns. But he no longer wanted to go to the office, but rather wanted to “deal with this now,” pointing to the flat tire.

Because ThumbSucker can’t change a flat tire, it was assumed I would do it. Heck, I used to always rotate my tires every 5,000 miles back in the rice rocket days. But I didn’t feel like changing the tire “right now.” So we got into an argument. ThumbSucker said he didn’t expect me to change his tire (BULLSHIT!), and what he meant was he wanted to deal with the “situation” now. Whatever. I was pissed. The guy pointed to his tire, and said “I want to deal with this right now…” What else am I to think? He won’t change a tire. So this means he wanted me to.

I think my frustration lies with Thumbersucker being a man-child. For crying out loud, he can’t change a f’ing tire? Goodness.

This is what I mean by having my “right hand guy.” ThumbSucker is not that guy. It’s so f’ing frustrating. He calls me homophobic. I don’t think I am. It’s just that I need certain things from the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Being able to change a tire is one of them.

Also, in order for him to sleep, I must hold him. “I must be held. I must be held.” So just imagine if I want to stay up. Goodness, I get so much grief.

I need to get out of this. Seriously.

Since this posting is so long, I may as well keep it going. I IMed with my buddy “DownOver” in Australia (Get it? Instead of Down Under, it’s DownOver. Har har.), and vented some of my frustrations regarding ThumbSucker.

Hey, DownOver: I know we all were teased as kids about our names, but, just be glad your first name isn’t Bend. ;-)

IM Convo
DownOver: still working?
me: no
DownOver: how’s the bf?
me: he's a pain.
DownOver: how so?
me: he can't change a spare tire.
me: so i'm frustrated with him.
DownOver: that’s very gay
me: what is?
DownOver: i've never understood the whole "i like dudes, but i'm a chick" thing
me: yeah.
me: it's so frustrating.
DownOver: have you seen little britain?
me: no
DownOver: there's a character called daffyth who's "the only gay in the village" (i.e., a total drama queen)
DownOver: there's one sketch where the dialogue is "Carry this! I'm a gay you see... we can't lift heavy objects" (in a welsh accent)
DownOver: (as he makes a woman carry his suitcase)
me: gah!
DownOver: too familiar?
me: yes! that hits too close to home.
DownOver: yeah helplessness pisses me off. i don't mind if people don't know how to do something. but if they don't know and show no interest in learning (or watching you do it) it REALLY gets to me. anyway dig up little britain if you ever get the chance
DownOver: its insane but very funny
me: ha. will do.
DownOver: has it if you can be bothered downloading
me: hmm, i've not tried downloading a movie.
DownOver: grab azureus and go nuts :-)
me: that sounds like trouble.
DownOver: most tv shows and a lot of movies available from isohunt
DownOver: its all very illegal and all :-)
DownOver: how’s life otherwise
me: grand. i do not have to be in detroit, michigan this week...
DownOver: hey is detroit as nasty has the movies make it out to be?
me: from what my work buddies tell me, detroit is still pretty ghetto.
me: but ThumbSucker said some of the suburbs are nice.
DownOver: sounds like a lot of cities - the closer you to to MLK, the nastier they are. out in the nice republican suburbs, life is beautiful.
me: it's so depressing. ThumbSucker wants to move back to ireland. and he wants me to come with.
me: i can't. more like, i won't.
DownOver: that’s a big ask
DownOver: how long you been together?
DownOver: [i kinda got the same situation at the end of the year... I'll get offered a job in the US, US immigration won't do squat for the bf, so I gotta hope they're cool with letting me work remotely and come to the US for a couple of months a year]
me: nearly three years.
DownOver: the only real problem is US being run by troglodytes. he's happy to move. but no way he'd get a visa. canada would give us both visas. anywhere in europe would
DownOver: (hell i've got UK citizenship)
DownOver: at least our country was founded by convicts, not puritans
me: ha!
DownOver: Australia's weird... the govt refuses to move on gay marriage, I think our PM fears teh ghey, but the vast majority of the benefits exist already under laws for defacto partnerships (where were quietly extended to same sex aaaaages ago), including immigration
DownOver: but all is good.

DownOver: i'm very domesticated and boring these days
me: ha.
DownOver: though thankfully not sufficiently domesticated to join the sunday brunch crowd
me: no to little drama is always a good thing.
me: haahhahaa. tea time, muthafukkas!
DownOver: haha
DownOver: i think i'm turning into a psudo-homophobic gay guy... i feel like a straight guy who likes dudes, and am COMPLETELY unable to identify with anything gay. even more so since i have a bf who's much the same as me
me: ThumbSucker calls me homophobic.
me: i really want out.
DownOver: him moving is a good excuse... if you can tolerate it until then
DownOver: just gotta hope he takes "don't stay for me" seriously
me: he won't leave unless i leave.
DownOver: oh god
me: yeah.
me: welcome to my catch22.
DownOver: ugh.. .so you gotta be the bad guy :-(

me: yep.


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