Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Me so crazy

Later in the night after the flat tire incident things went from bad to worse. I really just want out with ThumbSucker. I’m going crazy!

However, this morning, he told me last week the doctor diagnosed him as having
adult ADD. “Oh great! So for the last two and a half years I thought I was going insane!” After all this time some doc tells ThumbSucker there is a problem. Heck, for the last two and a half years I thought I was going mad! I was ready to check myself into the funny farm. Seriously, ThumbSucker’s doc said adult ADD generally leads to divorce. If not divorce, then the affected person’s significant other is generally extremely frustrated. Seriously, I could have diagnosed ThumbSucker two years ago... Because I was going insane then.

I’m sure glad it took one person (not close at all to) ThumbSucker to tell him he can’t focus and that will f-up his relationship. Great, just great. Now I’m pissed.

So what will happen? Well, ThumbSucker may begin popping meds to treat his condition. Supposedly they should have a dramatic effect almost instantly. I can’t wait really. Actually, I’m excited to see if there is any difference. Is this f’ed up?

At any rate, if the meds work, then 1) I’ll change ThumbSucker’s name to PillPopper; and 2) I’ll be a positive customer reference for the drug manufacturer. But we’ll see. If things change for the better, then that means I’ll reevaluate things with ThumbSucker. Because I really can’t go on. I really am close to checking myself in, because I've already checked out.

I must watch the movie
Thumbsucker again. The lead character had ADD and took meds to treat it. Once he took the meds he became extremely focused and was productive. This is why I’m excited to see what effect the meds will have on ThumbSucker.

What’s odd is ThumbSucker manages just fine in his professional life. He gets shit done. It’s his personal life (especially me) that suffers. Anxiety and stress cause the ADD to kick in big time. But he’ll procrastinate on things, and that causes the stress and anxiety. For the past week, ThumbSucker has been prepping for the 2005 tax season, which is stressing him out. This also explains the whole flat tire incident the other night… He was not able to focus on getting his task done at the office, and because of the flat tire, he went bizzerk. Lucky me, I know.

So we’ll wait and see. You know how some spouses go away for a couple weeks to attend some spa or hippy spiritual trip to rejuvenate and lose weight, and then they return home a new person? Well, I told ThumbSucker I want to go away for a couple weeks, and return to see if he changed dramatically. Heh.

Supposedly if he takes the meds he will no longer require me to hold him in bed. Seriously, the only way he’ll fall asleep is if I spoon him and hold him with both arms. What usually happens is the blood circulation stops in my left arm, so I wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning with a sore arm. Again, I can’t wait to see if the meds work. But I really hope he'll stop sucking his thumb if he begins popping. Huh, maybe I'll call him Mary Poppins. Ha!

Of anyone I’ve met and interacted with in my life, ThumbSucker takes the cake for having the greatest impact. Having been with him, I can honestly say I am nowhere near the same person. Seriously, I hope I can regain my sanity.

Please, to the higher being somewhere, wherever... Spare me, please.


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