Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fever and other things

Yesterday I started feeling weak, then it hit when I returned from the office... Fever! I can take a pimple or a headache here and there, but a fever just knocks me and I can't think or do anything. I felt immobilized. ThumbSucker and I ate the same thing so I don’t think it was food poisoning. Besides, my stomach didn’t feel odd.

At any rate, I slept in this morning after sending a few text messages to handle a couple work-related things. In the afternoon, I popped a few vitamin C pills, drank green tea, and ate three cans of Campbell's cream of chicken soup. I’m sure my sodium levels are up. Regardless, I feel better.

I plan to start blogging again for several reasons. I have been having the most absurd and bizarre dreams. Last night's dream being a fine example, but I guess that is because I had a fever, and I was borderline delusional. Secondly, I really need to archive some of my thoughts and experiences, especially as it relates to ThumbSucker. A lot has happened since my last post in March. And trust me; I’ll do a great big catch up post. Hopefully I’ll capture everything.

As for my dream last night, I remember my last girlfriend and me hooking up on my mother's street, in broad daylight. I know it's bizarre. Then, I remember her asking me if I was gay, bi or straight since we just shagged. I told her that I didn't know, but she was an excellent shag and that was it. That segment of my dream ended with me hopping on a BMX bike and riding down the street.

F'ing odd!


Blogger Overmatter said...

you came back!

hey, e-mail me with your work address. i have questions.

I'm writing about a dead gay duck. remind me.

feel better.

1:46 PM  

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