Monday, February 27, 2006

Jacked up!

V-dub: [my name]
me: hey.
V-dub: dude i got jumped and shit
me: what the fuck?
V-dub: by ghetto hoodlum
me: what the fuck? are you OK? when did it happen? where? dude, you OK?
V-dub: my collar bone is fractured and my face was fucked up for days
me: what?!?!? when? are you back home?
V-dub: right in front of the sf shopping center- at 5th/ market!
me: WTF?!??!
V-dub: ya on fri
me: at night?
V-dub: ya i was by myself... around midnight... still tho...
V-dub: im so pissed
edctan: are you OK though? did you get a look at the guy?
V-dub: no i didnt. and its 2 of them
me: they came up from behind?
V-dub: yup
me: so any permanent damage to you?
V-dub: no perm damage just the fractured shoulder
me: damns. you staying at home for awhile?
V-dub: nope not letting it get me down
me: word!
V-dub: went to the bob marley fest on sat and going to la this week

This reminds me of when ThumbSucker was car-jacked nearly two years ago. The afternoon of March 7, 2004, ThumbSucker was collecting his open house signs, following an open house in the Bernal Heights neighborhood.

In broad daylight, he was attacked. He put up a fight, but the assailant struck his face numerous times with a hammer. Ridiculous. The assailant pulled ThumbSucker out of the car. ThumbSucker held on to the car's door frame, but the assailant closed the door on his hands many times. ThumbSucker was dragged a half block, then passed out. The right side of ThumbSucker's face sagged for weeks. After surgery, his face is straight, and he has a metal plate embedded in his right cheek.

Crazy! What the hell is up with this city?

"Oh it's been broughten!"

If you like Drumline, you'll love some old school drumming by Animal from The Muppets. Buddy Rich isn't too bad either.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Not far, but away

On Saturday, ThumbSucker and I took a day trip. As he had not been to the town, we went to Mendocino, taking the same route I drove with my mother and sister the previous weekend (29 to 20 to 1, then south on 1). I drove ThumbSucker's 1982 Mercedes Benz 380SL, which pleasantly surprised me with well-mannered handling during the twisty sections of the drive. This car is built like a tank! It's heavy, and sticks to the road. Again, I was pleasantly surprised.

Once in Mendocino, we visited some shops, but left shortly as it was freezing.
"I said brrr! It's cold in here. There must be some Toros in the atmosphere!"

Rather than head back to the LC, we drove south on Highway 1, and stopped at the bed and breakfast town of
Elk to look at pottery and perhaps grab a bite to eat. No luck. Restaurants would not open until 5:30 p.m. And at 3:00 p.m., we were hungry. We continued our drive south, and stopped at Point Arena, a dilapidated, yet charming town with 440 residents. Immediately we were greeted by a local, directing us to locations to visit. Our hunger was all we could think about, so we b-lined it for El Burrito, an organic Mexican restaurant that opened two months ago. I had the burrito pollo and a Negro Modello. ThumbSucker had the burrito grande and a Negro Modello. Tasty!

ThumbSucker said Point Arena's downtown area reminded him of rural, small town Ireland in the 1970's and 1980's. We didn't see any houses with wood siding. And painted stucco is king in Point Arena. This reminded of a story my VP told me... He and his wife, also a native of Ireland, took her parents to look at homes in San Francisco. The father-in-law was shocked that homes here are built with wood frames. In Ireland they build houses out of stone, brick or concrete - not wood.

Back to Point Arena... ThumbSucker and I drove to the pier, and walked along the beach, which had rocks instead of sand. It was low tide, and the sea floor -- with sea urchins, starfish and hermit crabs -- was exposed. I explained to ThumbSucker, what is a sea urchin. He was semi freaked out.

On the beach, we met Abalone Shell Guy, an early-60-something and 40-year resident of Point Arena who gathers abalone shells and trades them for gold with a friend who makes jewelry from abalone shells. At 4:30 p.m., he spent nearly three hours to fill four 20-gallon buckets with abalone shells. It was a long day for him, and his wife was expecting him home for dinner. He warned us that the tide would come in at around 6:00 p.m., and that we should leave the beach then, otherwise, we would have to climb the side of a cliff to escape. No thank you.

I felt like a kid again! Seriously, this was mild
Goonies action - finding beach treasures, learning that we may need to escape a rising tide, meeting a guy who trades abalone shells for gold... And did I mention the cave? Yes, there is cave that leaks fossil oil. Abalone Shell Guy said during the warm summers, oil oozes on to the rocks, and forms a coating that looks similar to black cement.

We walked away with two abalone shells, a few cool-looking rocks and coral-colored, bulbous shells.

We continued to drive south on Highway 1 to soak in the incredible views of the Pacific Ocean. Goodness - they really are amazing. After this trip, I'm always game for playing tour guide. If you have not yet experienced the majestic view from Highway 1, then call me, and we'll make it happen.

At the town of Jenner, we headed east on Highway 116 towards Santa Rosa, where we took State Highway 12 to Calistoga, then Highway 29 back to Kelseyville. We drove a total of 270 miles today. But it was an adventure...

Once back at the house, we watched the final two episodes of More Tales of the City, the second series and follow-tp to Tales of the City. Afterwards, we hit the sack. We were beat.

This was a great weekend, but alas, I am now sick. I have a gnarly head cold and allergies, and I'm constantly sneezing and feel achy. I feel like crap. But I need to recoup this week as we depart for New York Saturday morning.


Friday, February 24, 2006

What, sonny?

Last night, ThumbSucker talked in his sleep, and it woke me up. Surprisingly, I was engaged.

ThumbSucker: [My name]!
me: Yeah?
ThumbSucker: Thirty-fourth street!
me: What about it?
ThumbSucker: *snore* *snore* *snore*

My guess is he dreamt about the trip to New York we will take in two weeks. But he said he dreamt about marble steps in different colors that lead to the peak of
Mount Konocti, the mountain you can see from the house in the LC. Here is a pic. He also mentioned that he was with my mother walking up the steps.

Any thoughts on decrypting this one is appreciated.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Hurry up, Trump!

Tonight, ThumbSucker and I went to the South San Jose Home Expo, a Home Depot Company, to look at a washer and dryer for ThumbSucker's loft. The current pair is on its way out... Afterwards, we went to my mother's house for dinner - steak, corn, broccoli and sauteed mushrooms. Damn tasty!

ThumbSucker left, but I'm staying the night as I have a few early-morning meetings tomorrow.

So I can count on one hand how many times I've watched American Idol. And I'm ashamed that I am nearly at the point where I need two hands. But I feel like a chump for watching tonight's episode. That's right! Tonight, I watched American Idol with my mother, and I must say that it was quite entertaining. But I'm upset. I am upset that I spent two hours of my life watching KTVU FOX (Channel 2), the San Francisco Bay Area FOX affiliate. *shudder* *gack*

I can understand how "America" can get caught-up with this competition. However, this is one American who can wait for the final result and winner. I'm waiting for the new season of
The Apprentice to start!

Good night.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Back in the day

Tonight, ThumbSucker and I ran along the Embarcadero, and I realized how out of shape I am compared to three years ago. "I push rhymes like weight... I'm pushing rhymes like weight." But I got out there tonight, and I need to run more often. I forgot how much I love it. And I realized that I run the same as I drive. I swerve left and right to pass people who are running slower, walking or standing.

After our run, we shopped for a scrubber for ThumbSucker's feet. His rough feet just are not... Well, sexy.

After making our purchase, we went back to the loft, heated mother's (damn tasty) chili, and watched the remaining two episodes of
Tales of the City. TOTC is quintessential viewing for anyone who can remember San Francisco in the mid-70's or wish they were around at the time. Also, after watching the mini series, you will want to seek out 28 Barbary (not Burberry, thank gawd) Lane. I remember secretly watching TOTC when PBS first broadcasted the mini series on KQED Channel 9. I made sure no one knew as at the time I was embarrassed yet so intrigued to watch it. Those were the days of innocence.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Another weird one

Last night, I dreamt that my company's CEO was secretly dating Jennifer Anniston. Anniston asked me how she should best break the news to the simultaneously courting Steve Martin. However, Martin saw Anniston and my CEO having lunch one day, and was crushed.

Try to explain this one...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Tour guide and thoughts of dying

Today, I drove my mother and sister from Kelseyville to Mendocino. Neither had been. And it has been nearly six years since I last visited the beautiful coastal town. The drive (highway 29, to highway 20, to highway 1, then south on highway 1) to Mendocino was incredible - lush green trees everywhere! At numerous times, I thought I was in a green cathedral.

On the drive to Mendocino, I also learned that my mother almost purchased land in Humboldt County approximately 10 years ago, but backed-out the day after she signed papers. Good thing she did. The area still has not flourished into the busy town picture the sales people painted.

So once in Mendocino, we ate lunch, and visited the shops along Main Street. We saw plenty of nice things - paintings, photographs, wooden bowls, jewelry, furniture, and so forth. However, everything was priced at a ridiculous premium. Tourist town. What are you going to do?

One thing that didn't cost but a third tank of gas, is the absolutely spectacular view. Blue sky. Blue Pacific Ocean. Waves crashing. Man, I could tele-commute from Mendocino any day!

Sidetrack: The first and my last time to the Mendocino/Fort Bragg area was Labor Day weekend 2000 with Nathan P. Smith (who celebrated his birthday today - happy birthday x31!) and MarcusD. MarcusD and I met Nathan P. Smith a few months before the trip, but we all were good pals by then. The Guyyys! At any rate, that night we found a secluded area where we drank and ate pizza... And MarcusD and I thought we would die later that night after some of the stories Nathan P. Smith told us. At a motel in Fort Bragg, we got drunk, and played Asshole. And boy did MarcusD and I really think we would die that night. Nathan P. Smith scared the hell out of us. I forget the details, but it was along the lines of the Columbine high school shootings. The following morning, MarcusD and I were still alive, but feeling groggy. We started our drive back to the Bay Area, and stopped off at Calistoga for a mud bath. MarcusD and I had never been to a mud bath, so we agreed to check it out. I loved it! You shower; then bathe in the mud mixture; then shower; then take a mineral bath; then hop into the steam room. Then you're wrapped in a blanket for what seems to be too long. And then you receive a massage. Afterwards you feel like you got your ass kicked.

Later that evening, we gathered some of The Guyyys for dinner at my mom's house to celebrate MarcusD's 24th birthday. It was a warm night, so dinner in the backyard was perfect. Good times... Good times.

Back to today. On the drive back (south on highway 1, to highway 128, to highway 253, to highway 101, to highway 175, then to highway 29), I saw sheep! Anyone who has spent enough time with me knows my excitement about sheep. They are the most adorable creatures on this planet. I look forward to the day when I could have a few sheep to eat grass in the backyard. Baaa!

Also, two things I told my 16-year-old sister for when she begins driving. Never pick up hitchhikers - dude or chick. And always use your turn signal indicator! Goodness, there are so many offenders on the road... I must use at least half a gallon of windshield washer, spraying cars once I pass them. (Anyone who has ridden with me probably knows what I'm talking about.)

ThumbSucker arrived just before dinner, which featured my mom's (damn tasty) chili. Nothing beats mother's cooking, especially her chili on a cold night. After dinner, my mother, ThumbSucker and I listen to Edith Piaf in the living room, and talked about the 80's, my brother and my mother's family, among other things.

Now, after a bath, I'm ready to hit the sack. Tomorrow after breakfast, we hit the road, back for the four-one-five. G'night.

Once again

Early this morning, the next door neighbor's dog started to bark, starting my odd dream.

I dreamt that the neighbors were on a trip, and that a person I knew from high school (let's call him CL) was house sitting for them. In my dream, I wake up and walk next door to ask that the dog be brought indoors so I could sleep. I was surprised that my old high school acquaintance was at the house, house-sitting. Note that CL and I were not close in high school, but I heard rumors that he is gay.

At any rate, in the dream, CL is an account manager for the company I work for, and my next door neighbors turn out to be service repair technicians for one of the products my company creates.

Very, very odd. I wonder how CL is. Maybe I'll look him up...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

SMS: Just had b'fast in Berkeley w/ mom & sis. Bette's Oceanview Diner. V. Tasty. Cold, but v. Nice day out.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Three-day weekend and thoughts of SPAMfest

Earlier this week, I learned we have Monday, February 20 off from work in observance of president's day. (Thanks but no thanks to our current U.S. president.) At any rate, I look forward to spending time at the LC with my mother and sister. They have not been to the house since it was completed, so they're excited to see it.

I imagine this will be a weekend of cooking, eating, watching movies, playing games, walking in the 'hood and downtown areas, and most importanly... Chillaxing.

This reminds me, I need to host a SPAMfest soon. At the last company I worked at, I met others who on occassion enjoy SPAM. After discussing SPAM with a few people in the office, we learned that we all were closet SPAM-eaters, and that it had been some time since any of us had SPAM. To celebrate, we held our first SPAMfest in Mountain View, California. Think
Iron Chef, but the key ingredient for every session is SPAM. To date, we held five SPAMfest dinners with the attendance growing with each gathering. Each dinner was a success, with new dishes created... the staple - SPAM, eggs and rice, SPAM musubi (SPAM sushi), SPAM/cheese melts, SPAM curry, spicy SPAM dishes and others. And to wash all the SPAM goodness down? Well, brass monkey, of course. Traditional brass monkey is made with half-part malt liquor beer and half-part orange juice. But since we SPAMfesters have exotic tastes, we stepped-it-up, substituting orange juice for mango, strawberry/banana, passion fruit and other crazy juices. "You put your right leg down, your left leg up. Tilt your head back, and then finish the cup..."

I can't wait for the next SPAMfest. It's been some time since I last SPAMed with D-Sheezy, P-Heezy, Sommer, Luce, Fi and Chansey. And even ThumbSucker has learned to enjoy SPAM. Crazy Irish shagger doesn't mind eating SPAM cold. *shudder*
It would be great if G-Force (Grantham), Bex, Moni Love (Monica) and York Lackey could come too.

Oooh, I just had a flash back... "Eww, I wouldn't eat SPAM... Eww..." *chomp* *chomp* Cool beans to you muthaf*kka! I have a pack of SPAM Lite/low sodium if you are the first person to respond with the name of this SPAM hater.

But it has been nearly one year since we last had a SPAMfest. I'm thinking of "SPAMfest LC." Lately I've been travling so it's been difficult to plan for such an event. But it will happen. Let me know when in the next fwe weeks works for you, and we'll make it happen!


I've had strange dreams as of late, again.

I remember having a dream with two buildings that jiggled, a swaying motion. It was disturbing.

Also, I remember a dream about a gnarly guy hitting on me. Thank goodness I do not recall any details.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My mother

Tonight, I went with my mother to a nearby shopping center for our nearly weekly ritual of window shopping and talking. As an afterthought to dinner, when we stopped to eat a sandwich. My mother told me about a conversation she had with one of her employees who seems way over her head.

As background, my mother is an office manager for a real estate and lending firm. The employee chick apparently was upset with my mother for making a change to one of their systems based on a decision made by my mother and the firm's owner. My mother treated employee chick, 28, as family. That's just my mother... She's extremely motherly. At any rate, employee chick lived at my mother's home (free, of course) for several months as it did not make sense for her to commute nearly five hours each day for work. During the evening, my mother always called her to make sure she was OK, and to check in when she would come "home."

At any rate, employee chick is/was upset at my mother for a management decision. Displaying her immaturity, she gave my mother a $1,000 check as "rent" for the months she stayed at the house. (Please, if you rented a room in the Bay Area, $1,000 wouldn't cut it. But anyway...) Employee chick also said that she wanted to return all gifts my mother gave her. Goodness.

My mother shredded the check, and explained that she never asked for her money. My mother was hurt, but didn't show it. Employee chick said something to the effect of: "You're just jealous. I am 28-years-old and own five houses. And by the time I am 30, I will own ten houses." (By the way, none of the houses are rented to tenants, so she is losing money.)

My mother politely said, "Dear, I am nearly twice your age. I've been around much longer than you have. Owning many houses is not something I care for. I have three beautiful children. And that's what makes me happy."

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


It feels like I have not posted in some time. So before more time passes, I want to catch up on a few things notable (to me, of course).

Saturday, 2/11 - at the LC, in prepping for a bath, I accidentally poured half the jar of mint oil into the tub. I now know the meaning of "icy cold." The sensation was chilling, yet burning! Definitely do not try it. Also, I watched
Shower. Very good. But be warned, there are subtitles.

It's windy in San Francisco, today. The week of warm weather and clear skies may come to an end very soon. I'm not complaining... After all, I'm not in in the north east where snow is a plenty.

And speaking of snow. I talked with Carmen about creating a new Summertime drink called "The Snow Shovel."

me: someone should make a drink called "the shovel." "hi, i'd like two shovels..."
me: the bartender could put shaved ice on top ot make it look like snow. it would be a good summer drink.
Carmen: yum. it would have to be called the snow shovel. otherwise people would think of crap.
me: true. it could be served with a spoon.
Carmen: like a snowcone.
me: yes! but alcoholic. and classAy, not trashSHAY.
Carmen: of course.
me: maybe throw in a couple sliced olive rounds to look like tires...
Carmen: gross
me: i know. i'm not fond of olives.
Carmen: I love olives, but not where they don't belong.
me: ok, so how about a chocolate chips to look like coal?
Carmen: yeah, or coffee beans to look like dog poop.
me: mmm. and yellow food coloring for someone who peed in the corner...
Carmen: no, whiskey or grand marnier.
me: true, true. and we need a rap artist to pimp the drink to the masses.
Carmen: right. the snowjob.
me: "git yo' snow shovel! git yo' snow shovel! let me see see you dig and throw, and tell me you're ready for mo'!" "snow so white... ... something something like barry white." it works perfectly for the hip-hop culture!

Prius drivers. I love the thought behind wanting to drive fuel efficient cars in the age of $2.65-gallon gas. However, why do Prius drivers in the San Francisco Bay Area cruise at 60-65 MPH in the "fast lane?" Seriously.

Tomorrow, I'm having dinner with Abs, who I have not seen since Thanksgiving. I miss her, and can't wait to catch up.

Happy Valentine's day!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Interesting that I recently thought of Jokamoto... ThumbSucker and I saw him in the 'Stro (the Castro) today.

Damn it is nice out in San Francisco today! But ThumbSucker and I are headed to the LC.

Friday, February 10, 2006

SMS: @ S'bucks. Y is it Lways the blond wannaB divas w/ bad highlight jobs & Gucci sunglasses who dish 'tude. Seriously, it's not very Bcoming.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The C-word, part 2

So ThumbSucker has the "big C," actually the "small C." It's not too bad, he said. He has some "interesting cells" in one of his lymph nodes, and two options to treat this - a small incision to remove the bad cells or localized radiation. Regardless, it's not too bad.

ThumbSucker is in good spirits. This is the best case scenario.

In the next week or two, ThumbSucker will see the doctor again for an evaluation. And every three months, he will need to have a few blood tests.

"I went to Mission Dolores, and lit a candle before I went to see the doctor..." "I feel very, very lucky. I'm going to volunteer or something. Oh my god, I feel like a very weight has been removed from my shoulders."

The C-word

So ThumbSucker is on his way to see the doctor to determine if he has the "big C." Cross your fingers... I hope he does not. He's a good guy, and has experienced a lot of adversities. He shouldn't have to suffer anymore...

This reminds me of one of The Guyyys I used to hang out with. He said his purpose on Earth is to suffer. I guess you're itching for a suffering if you are a closeted, gay repressed Buddhist... And Republican. I always thought he wanted attention. And looking back, he required a lot of energy and drama. So I hope all is well with you, Jokamoto.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Whose House??? Sam's House!!!

ThumbSucker brought home a Cosmic Catnip scratching post for Fionnbharr, since the shagger (Fionnbharr) clawed a new living room chair yesterday. Hopefully Fionnbharr will take to scratching the cardboard, otherwise we will need to find another option.

On our way to enjoy the remainder of today's splendid weather, we stopped by San Francisco's Glen Park neighborhood to purchase two speaker stands from someone who posted a
Craigslist ad.

ThumbSucker (to Sam): "Hi, we're right outside the door."
Sam: "I'm wearing a red sweater and sunglasses."
ThumbSucker (to me): "Hmm, maybe he's not home, because he described what he's wearing..."
**Door opens**
ThumbSucker/Me: "Hi, Sam."
**three minutes pass, and we have the speaker stands in hand**
Me (to ThumbSucker): "Did he think this was a hook-up of some sort? Why did he describe what he was wearing? And why didn't he mention that HE has boobs, long blond hair and man-hands?"

So Sam is a transgendered dude-turned-chick - think blond Michael Jackson... I really do not envy people who feel they need to change their sex in order to feel natural or normal. I can only imagine the crap people give them every day. I didn't dish anything to Sam, but I would have appreciated if Sam didn't have 'tude. In the end, ThumbSucker and I were thrown a curve ball by Sam's appearance. But hey, we came to Sam's home to purchase speaker stands, not partake in uncomfortable chit chat ("So, you're Irish aren't you? Are you two a couple or something?). ThumbSucker and I were creeped out.

After Sam's, ThumbSucker and I attempted to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, but could not as pedestrians are not allowed on the bridge past 6:30 p.m. A shame, it was... San Francisco had clear skies and the temperature hovered in the mid-60s. A perfect evening. I could have sold anyone on moving to San Francisco tonight.

Striking out with the bridge, we drove to
The Embarcadero Center, and watched Capote. It simply is one of the better movies I've seen in the past few months. For the first time in many years, I am excited to watch the Oscars.

Good night.

Friday, February 03, 2006

SMS: But that's how I operate. I do, look back, then hopefully make a change 4 the better. Reminds me of MarcusD. "You're a good man, Charlie Brown." I try.

SMS: Just watched "Walk the Line" on the plane. Very humbling. Makes me wonder why I did some of the things I did. I always do this - look back, then think...

SMS: 3:40 PM ET. In seat 26B. I was blessed 2 sit beside a well-mannered Palo Alto-mom-type. So this should B pleasant. Hope 2 sleep on flight.

SMS: I love AA's attempt 2 relax passengers w/ a video of nature scenes. I'd say it works... NOT! Let's get the show in the air. Get 2 flying already, pilot!

SMS: Enroute 2 JFK. Look fwd 2 SF 'n the LC. Weather is gloomy in LI 2day. I couldn't live here. Although LI is similar 2 SF South Bay in ways.

SMS: Checked out of hotel. After 1 wk, return 2 SF in PM. Feels like longer. Scary 2 think I acclimated 2 Long Island. Going 2 the LC to chillax.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Today was a good day

6:00 a.m. ET - woke up; buzzed head; showered
6:30 a.m. ET - ate breakfast in the hotel room
7:00 a.m. ET - checked email and news headlines
7:30 a.m. ET - met with some of the women in my life: Em, vdBoom, JBurt and MCris; and headed to the mothership
8:00 a.m. ET - arrived at the mothership; registered my former Edel-clan members for the day-1, all-day, back-to-back planning meeting
8:30 a.m. ET - presentations until 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. ET - lunch time until 1:30 p.m.

1:30 p.m. ET - presentations until 4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. ET - working break until 5:15 p.m.

5:45 p.m. ET - arrived at The Grill Room in Hauppauge, NY. From the outside, I was leery of the place. The Grill Room is located on an end-corner of a strip mall with an adult store as its neighbor. However, once I stepped into the establishment, past the walnut-colored velvet-covered entry, I was immediately impressed.

Dinner was pre fixe at a very aggressive $30. I started with the beef satay to appetize myself, then annihilated the ahi tuna, and finished the meal with creme brulee and decaf coffee. All was very tasty.

The best part was talking about non-work and work-related stuff with the nearly 25 people in our dinner party - some from the mothership, and some from the Edel-clan.

13 months ago, I came to Long Island with some of the Edel-clan members at dinner tonight, and for the past eight months, I've been with the mothership. 13 months is not a long time in the grand scheme of things, but it sure feels that we've known each other for much longer. And this is a good thing. It's comforting.

I really like the six-five-O Edel-clan team. Despite a rough start last year, I feel that things are now clicking. I feel a pulse. And this is a good thing. I tend to work best as a team with high-energy and enthusiastic people to bring something to fruition.

A side thought: 2005 came and went with a few noteworthy milestones that include new friendships, spending more quality time with my family and friends, and purchasing the house in The LC. But I have a strong feeling 2006 will be an even better year with many things to look back at and fondly reminisce.

1:30 a.m. ET - I'm still on Pacific Time; good night