Jacked up!
me: hey.
V-dub: dude i got jumped and shit
me: what the fuck?
V-dub: by ghetto hoodlum
me: what the fuck? are you OK? when did it happen? where? dude, you OK?
V-dub: my collar bone is fractured and my face was fucked up for days
me: what?!?!? when? are you back home?
V-dub: right in front of the sf shopping center- at 5th/ market!
me: WTF?!??!
V-dub: ya on fri
me: at night?
V-dub: ya i was by myself... around midnight... still tho...
V-dub: im so pissed
edctan: are you OK though? did you get a look at the guy?
V-dub: no i didnt. and its 2 of them
me: they came up from behind?
V-dub: yup
me: so any permanent damage to you?
V-dub: no perm damage just the fractured shoulder
me: damns. you staying at home for awhile?
V-dub: nope not letting it get me down
me: word!
V-dub: went to the bob marley fest on sat and going to la this week
This reminds me of when ThumbSucker was car-jacked nearly two years ago. The afternoon of March 7, 2004, ThumbSucker was collecting his open house signs, following an open house in the Bernal Heights neighborhood.
In broad daylight, he was attacked. He put up a fight, but the assailant struck his face numerous times with a hammer. Ridiculous. The assailant pulled ThumbSucker out of the car. ThumbSucker held on to the car's door frame, but the assailant closed the door on his hands many times. ThumbSucker was dragged a half block, then passed out. The right side of ThumbSucker's face sagged for weeks. After surgery, his face is straight, and he has a metal plate embedded in his right cheek.
Crazy! What the hell is up with this city?