For Christmas, Meta04 gave me a subscription to Good Magazine. Reading Good Magazine is like reading what WIRED was ten years ago - fresh, new ideas for living, except Good Magazine has an environmental-, political- and human-conscious bent to it. Transparency in reporting is a focus. And there is relatively little advertising. Joy.
It's good.
Subscribe to the magazine for $20 a year, and receive six issues. What is even better is that the entire $20 will go to an organization of your choice. You are given 12 organizations to choose from, including World Wildlife Fund (climate change), Witness (human rights), Unicef (children's health), Teach for America (needed teachers), Creative Commons (technology and sharing), Millennium Promise (poverty alleviation).
Ferrah, my last girlfriend's cousin and one of Ant's high school girlfriends, had blond hair. She's not blond in real life as she is half Filipino and English. At any rate, in my dream, we met by coincidence at a casual dining-type restaurant. Maybe it was a Marie Calendar's? (Goodness, I have not been to a Marie Calendar's since high school.) In the dream, my friend from Chicago said she looks like she is from Schaumburg, Illinois. Even though Ferrah was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, she changed her look. Ferrah said she moved because she has 62 cousins in Schaumburg.
Another segment of my dream was about the house in the LC. I dreamt that frogs, lizards and bear cubs broke into the house, and roamed madly. When I arrived, and entered the house, the lizards and bear cubs chased me around the house, trying to bite my legs. The next morning, I purchased the local paper, and read the break-in at my house was listed in the police blotter section.
Two Saturdays ago, I boarded the American Airlines plane, walked down the left aisle with my travel bag strapped to my left shoulder that hung on my right side. I lifted the strap off my shoulder, and that is when it happened - an acute pain from spraining my wrist. Damn! G'dammit! I didn't say anything, but winced, and continued, carrying my laptop side bag, garment bag and travel (duffel-like) bag to my seat.
I pushed my two larger bags into the overhead storage compartment with my left, while guiding them with my right hand. Damn that hurt.
At the last hour of the flight, I asked a flight attendant if I could have a bag of ice, to slow the swelling. It worked.
Fast forward to today. I continue to wear a wrist brace, which makes me feel gimpy. The pain is slight, but still present. Typing feels odd as I need to keep my wrist at a certain angle. Gear shifting while driving is manageable.