Friday, April 07, 2006

A Canuck said the darnest thing

Today, I talked with a Canadian work buddy about the benefits of issuing a press release to more countries for broader coverage. He completely understands why we want to do what we want to do, and shared with me his outlook on the influence of ice skating-related activities. It's quite funny, really.

me: the benefit is broader exposure... so why is he cock-blocking?
CanuckBE: LOL
CanuckBE: that was great for a much needed smile on my face today
CanuckBE: have to rush to dress rehearsal for my son's ice show
CanuckBE: he's 5...
CanuckBE: don't think he is gay yet...
CanuckBE: next year is hockey...
CanuckBE: not that being gay is wrong...
CanuckBE: ciao dude

Earlier in the week, other work buds and I met with a vendor (non-Canadian). From them, I learned that one of the Google search results for WNG is for a group for gay men to meet other homos for outdoor activities... Such as hiking, biking and camping, not for idle waiting in a park in hopes of meeting momentary companionship. Sickos!

At any rate, we had a good laugh. Also, the vendor guys are not gay, at least not that I could tell by their wedding rings...

Where am I going with this? Well, I'm just glad that someone is doing a Google search before naming a product, because last year, C-Love (who I'm calling Squeeze going forward) busted us out for our line of chastity belts.

What did I say last year, Squeeze? "Cock balls! Cock balls!"


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