Sunday, May 21, 2006

The past few days

Thursday, May 18
I met with V-Dub for dinner in the Castro, then we had one drink at The Bar on Castro. We caught up on life (in the fall, he plans to apply for business school on the east coast). I caught him up on ThumbSucker. I agree with V-Dub... I'm practically married.

He asked if we plan to have a ceremony. Actually, McGoo the other days asked the same thing. I don't know. Heck, I still do not know if I'm ready to commit.

If we get hitched, I'll make sure to spread the word.

Friday, May 19
Fionnbharr knocked my contact lens case, which opened the right side and dried my right contact lens. Grr. I'm already on my spare lens pair as my remaining lenses are at the LC. Maybe next year I'll have Lasix done. We'll see.

Tonight, we stayed in; cooked dinner; and completed season three of Sex in the City on DVD. That's right, for the last two weeks, ThumbSucker and I have been watching each season of Sex in the City. How and why did I not get into this show, I really do not know. Perhaps because my Sex in the (SF) City days ended three years ago? 'Eh.

I can identify with each of the main characters - Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte. Each either represents an outlook, way of life, or a period in my life.

One thing is for sure. The show is addicting. In watching the show, I look at my relationship with ThumbSucker with a new perspective. Another thing is for sure. ThumbSucker is definitely not as high maintenance as Carrie in the show.

Saturday, May 20
We had dim sum at Ocean Restaurant in the Richmond. What usually is a five minute wait for a table took 20 minutes. ThumbSucker and I were ready to eat our arms. After dim sum, we went to the SF MOMA, then walked along the Embarcadero. Later in the afternoon, I took ThumbSucker to the hospital for his MRI. *sigh* He has had so many tests. He has one each week...

Tonight, we started season four of Sex in the City.

Sunday, May 21
Happy birthday, BankerJ.

In episode eight of season four of Sex in the City, Carrie's laptop crashed. Boy do I know how she felt.

After watching Sex in the City, I realized that I lost my close support group of friends. I miss the brunches. I miss the road trips. I miss going to the gym with the guys. I miss clubbing. I miss guy watching with the guys.

We all were a group of single guys, but in the past couple years found our respective better-halves. And in looking back, today I am what I once feared - I'm hitched, and I'm a homebody. I used to give some of the guys (yeah you, Murphy!) crap for not coming out to a bar, or club, or dinner. But today, I do the same thing.

My dinner with V-Dub was a first step in reconnecting with some of the guys. We'll see how successful I am at this. Visiting the Castro after three years, I felt like a fish out of water. The scene is different. And I do not care for it... Then again, perhaps it's because I rarely booze these days. Aside from drinking too much with McGoo in January in New York, it has been years since I guzzled. (I can count on a three-finger hand how many years it has been...)


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